Scotchtown is involved in a variety of mission activities, both hands-on mission, and mission via financial support. We are always looking to create more community programs and sponsorships but we need your help. God has called us to serve the vulnerable and build up the church. Unite with us in worship and help give back to our local and international communities by participating in our various outreach activities!
The Scotchtown Community Gives in Various Ways
On an ongoing basis, we collect non-perishable food items for the Middletown Interfaith Council’s food pantry and winter warming center. In the fall, this also includes a special initiative to provide school supplies and backpacks to local school children. Twice a year, in July and November, Scotchtown Presbyterian Church hosts a blood drive in partnership with the New York Blood Bank. We typically donate around 40 pints and are always hoping to best that goal! In November of this year, 2024, we did beat that record by collecting 51 pints of blood. Also in the Fall, members of our congregation volunteer in various ways for the Middletown CROP Walk, including organizing, walking, donating, and technical support on Walk day. At Christmas, Scotchtown partners with an area elementary school to “adopt” a local family to provide toys, clothing, and other needs. We also support the Christmas Shoe Box Initiative annually.
Raising Funds for Worthy Causes
Additionally, in the past we have provided financial support to Habitat for Humanity, the Guild of St. Margaret/Grace Episcopal Church soup kitchen in Middletown, and the GMIC Warming Station Homeless Shelter and Ministry in Middletown. As well as the Presbyterian Disaster Assistance Program to help those affected by natural disasters and warfare. This year in September we hosted a community yard sale on the church’s front lawn. More than 20 vendors were present and the day was a success. In October of 2023, we held a “Vendor and Craft Holiday Sale” at the Church in our Fellowship Hall. The proceeds from these events support Scotchtown Presbyterian Church as well as a portion going to one of the local mission initiatives named above.